When does this challenge start?
• Start Date: January 13, 2025
• End Date: April 7, 2025

‍How long is this challenge?
12 Weeks

‍What are the requirements?
Upload progress photos to the portal for Weeks 1, 6, and 12 by the following deadlines:
• Week 1 Photos Due: January 19 by 5 PM MST
• Week 6 Photos Due: February 23 by 5 PM MST
• Week 12 Photos Due: April 6 by 5 PM MST
Photos must include front, rear, and side views with the appropriate check-in card provided.Make a full-sized supplement purchase during eligible purchase dates (October 28, 2024 – April 7, 2025) to qualify for prizes.

‍Does this challenge cost anything?
It is 100% free to sign up and participate at your own pace, whether at home or in the gym. However, a full-sized supplement purchase is required to qualify for prizes.

‍Where do I find the portal to upload photos, and find my workouts?
Log in at bootcamp.buckedup.com/login using the email and password you created at sign-up.

Where can I get my Bucked Up products for this challenge?
At www.buckedup.com or any Bucked Up retail store.Use code NY25 for 20% off during the challenge. Make sure to use your email from sign-up to track purchases.

Where is the best place to ask any questions?
The Bucked Up Bootcamp Facebook Group is the best place to message an admin, ask questions, and share your journey. The group also hosts giveaways, live workout videos, and Q&A sessions, along with announcements about winners.

How many people can win this challenge?
20 winners total: 10 men and 10 women.

What else will be provided during this bootcamp?
Video demos for all exercises found in the portal.Meal suggestions, supplement guidance, and live discussions on Bucked Up products, nutrition tips, and fitness hacks.Access to community support via the Bootcamp Facebook group

What is best to wear for progress photo pictures?‍
• Men: Any appropriate shorts.
• Women: Swimsuits, bikinis, sports bras, and shorts work well.
• Tips: Avoid sweatpants, hoodies, or other clothing that hides progress. Take photos in a clean area with good lighting and a plain wall behind you.

If you sign up with a spouse or someone in the same house hold do you both need to make separate purchases for the purchase requirement to count for you both?
Yes, each participant must make their own purchase using their email for tracking

What are the prizes?
• 1st Place: $1,000 Bucked Up store credit + $5,000 cash
• 2nd Place: $500 store credit + $2,000 cash
• 3rd Place: $500 store credit + $1,000 cash
• 4th Place: $500 store credit
• 5th Place: $250 store credit
• 6th-10th Place: $100 store credit

When is the voting period and winner announcement?
• Voting Period Starts: April 11, 2025
• Voting Period Ends: April 16, 2025
• Winners Announced: April 17, 2025